Searching for the secret of being a great leader often begins by first searching for answers about how you are going to influence others around you. You have to understand that leadership is not just a job title but rather an intention to serve others and really take the step back and allow others to succeed. Yes it is a step up, but you need to stop thinking of yourself ‘above’ anyone else to be a successful leader.
To truly be a great leader you will need to look inwards at your own core beliefs and values and to reflect on your past that has shaped who you are. You need to do this to be able to become a person that people will want to follow.
The best leaders in the world have discovered that becoming a person who is followed is not learnt in a book, but rather but self discovery and looking within themselves.
The first thing you need to do is remove the ego. Great leaders know how to check in with themselves before they respond to situations to make sure their responses are not motivated by their ego by rather what the needs of the situation are. Once you realise that the only thing that you can control is yourself, it starts to become a lot clearer that worrying about others is just a waste of your energy.
Something I feel very strongly about is being a good active listener. Don’t always be so quick to respond, stop, listen and really take in what that person is saying to be able to respond in a way that shows leadership. When you truly pay attention, your brain receives more information and you will find there are more possible ways to rescind than your overactive mind could ever imagine.
You need to let go. Some people have this innate need for control, hence why they gravitate to leadership roles where they can control their environment. The best leaders know the difference between what they can and can’t control. If you really stop and think about where that need comes from, you will start to recognise that the only thing you can control is yourself.
I don’t discount that every person is unique, we have all travelled different journeys that lead us to where we are now. The best leaders know the importance of self discovery and the opportunity that comes with knowing themselves and recognising that life is a continual journey to becoming their true selves.
If you represent your true self that you are giving others around you the power to be them. And that is great leadership.