Your business position can be defined by the place you want to own in your consumer’s mind. It can be one of the most difficult things to define because in reality, it is how your consumer defines you. Almost subconsciously, your brand is constantly being placed in a hierarchy against your competitors in the deep thoughts of your customers, ultimately deciding who is the top successor. This position is then used when your customer needs that same thing you and your competitors both have. So how do you ensure you’re on the top of the leaderboard?
It’s time to take your brand definition into your own hands and create the perfect position in the minds of the consumers you want your business to have. Taking it into your own hands also means stepping into the shoes of your consumer. How do they see you? What makes them choose you over others offering the same thing?
When defining your business position, you need to think beyond your primary product or service. This is where value comes into play. Value is the intangible elements of your business that builds your customers perception of you. It’s all the bells and whistles that will ultimately determine whether you get chosen for the job. This could be the service you offer, the extras and benefits, the loyalty points, the ease of attainment and so many other things more relevant to your industry. Value is not always built on price; it is built on the way your customer can be satisfied with your business and what you provide over your competitors.
If you want to take control of your brand perception, it’s important to consider these few things:
- Other than my product, what is my customer really gaining from my business?
- What do I offer that my competitors don’t and how do I use that to my advantage?
- What makes my business unique?
Answering these questions should take some solid market research to ensure you are not only using your own preconceived ideas of your competitors. You can also ask your own consumers why they choose you and what specific elements of your business satisfies them. With this information, you will start to piece together a brand image, add some extra fine details and ensure you climb your way to the top of the positioning hierarchy.