High achievers understand the necessity of being intentional with every second of the day. This is why I pride myself in the daily routine that I have cemented for myself. Keeping in mind this is what works for me and you have to find what formula works for you. Just remember that consistency is key to creating the perfect routine.
- I start my day with exercise. Be it in the gym or just a simple walk, I get my body moving so that I can start to visualise and set mental goals for the day, week, month and even several months and then creating deadlines… helps to make progress on multiple fronts each day. This is my meditation time, it calms my mind ready to take on the day ahead of me.
- Big breakfast is vital – this helps me be prepared for my business day. Breakfast is the fuel for your body.
- I come into my office and I write out that plan for the day that I had thought about and created whilst exercising. I start with the simple tasks and these will take 20% operational time in my day.
- The middle part of my day is about the complex tasks that will take up to 50% of time during the day. These are all big things I need to tick off my list, activities that I know are going to need most of my mental capacity to complete. If you leave these tasks to later in the day when your energy levels are down, you will end up putting it off until the following day. The last thing you want to do is find yourself in a procrastination loop and have to rush a piece of very important work when you are about to hit a deadline.
- I then finish with the last 20 – 30% which are my admin tasks, client services, invoicing or diary management. Activities that I know will not require full mental capacity.
And to round out the day I walk again. I use this time to close out my day of thoughts and make sure I wind down and calm my mind. Mindset is extremely important when it comes to being successful. You need to be able to put your work thoughts to bed and allow yourself to relax so that you can take on tomorrow’s tasks with a clear head.
Finding the right routine that works for you is key , but keep in mind that whatever you do – avoid procrastination at all costs.